Utilizing Image Transforms and Diffusion Models for Generative Modeling of Short and Long Time Series

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Ilan Naiman, Nimrod Berman, Itai Pemper, Idan Arbiv, Gal Fadlon, Omri Azencot


Lately, there has been a surge in interest surrounding generative modeling of time series data. Most existing approaches are designed either to process short sequences or to handle long-range sequences. This dichotomy can be attributed to gradient issues with recurrent networks, computational costs associated with transformers, and limited expressiveness of state space models. Towards a unified generative model for varying-length time series, we propose in this work to transform sequences into images. By employing invertible transforms such as the delay embedding and the short-time Fourier transform, we unlock three main advantages: i) We can exploit advanced diffusion vision models; ii) We can remarkably process short- and long-range inputs within the same framework; and iii) We can harness recent and established tools proposed in the time series to image literature. We validate the effectiveness of our method through a comprehensive evaluation across multiple tasks, including unconditional generation, interpolation, and extrapolation. We show that our approach achieves consistently state-of-the-art results against strong baselines. In the unconditional generation tasks, we show remarkable mean improvements of $58.17$% over previous diffusion models in the short discriminative score and $132.61$% in the (ultra-)long classification scores. Code is at https://github.com/azencot-group/ImagenTime.