Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Yuheng Zhang, Nan Jiang
We study off-policy evaluation (OPE) in partially observable environments with complex observations, with the goal of developing estimators whose guarantee avoids exponential dependence on the horizon. While such estimators exist for MDPs and POMDPs can be converted to history-based MDPs, their estimation errors depend on the state-density ratio for MDPs which becomes history ratios after conversion, an exponential object. Recently, Uehara et al. [2022a] proposed future-dependent value functions as a promising framework to address this issue, where the guarantee for memoryless policies depends on the density ratio over the latent state space. However, it also depends on the boundedness of the future-dependent value function and other related quantities, which we show could be exponential-in-length and thus erasing the advantage of the method. In this paper, we discover novel coverage assumptions tailored to the structure of POMDPs, such as outcome coverage and belief coverage, which enable polynomial bounds on the aforementioned quantities. As a side product, our analyses also lead to the discovery of new algorithms with complementary properties.