VeXKD: The Versatile Integration of Cross-Modal Fusion and Knowledge Distillation for 3D Perception

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


JI Yuzhe, Yijie CHEN, Liuqing Yang, Ding Rui, Meng Yang, Xinhu Zheng


Recent advancements in 3D perception have led to a proliferation of network architectures, particularly those involving multi-modal fusion algorithms. While these fusion algorithms improve accuracy, their complexity often impedes real-time performance. This paper introduces VeXKD, an effective and Versatile framework that integrates Cross-Modal Fusion with Knowledge Distillation. VeXKD applies knowledge distillation exclusively to the Bird's Eye View (BEV) feature maps, enabling the transfer of cross-modal insights to single-modal students without additional inference time overhead. It avoids volatile components that can vary across various 3D perception tasks and student modalities, thus improving versatility. The framework adopts a modality-general cross-modal fusion module to bridge the modality gap between the multi-modal teachers and single-modal students. Furthermore, leveraging byproducts generated during fusion, our BEV query guided mask generation network identifies crucial spatial locations across different BEV feature maps in a data-driven manner, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of knowledge distillation. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes dataset demonstrate notable improvements, with up to 6.9\%/4.2\% increase in mAP and NDS for 3D detection tasks and up to 4.3\% rise in mIoU for BEV map segmentation tasks, narrowing the performance gap with multi-modal models.