RoME: A Robust Mixed-Effects Bandit Algorithm for Optimizing Mobile Health Interventions

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Easton Huch, Jieru Shi, Madeline R Abbott, Jessica Golbus, Alexander Moreno, Walter Dempsey


Mobile health leverages personalized and contextually tailored interventions optimized through bandit and reinforcement learning algorithms. In practice, however, challenges such as participant heterogeneity, nonstationarity, and nonlinear relationships hinder algorithm performance. We propose RoME, a Robust Mixed-Effects contextual bandit algorithm that simultaneously addresses these challenges via (1) modeling the differential reward with user- and time-specific random effects, (2) network cohesion penalties, and (3) debiased machine learning for flexible estimation of baseline rewards. We establish a high-probability regret bound that depends solely on the dimension of the differential-reward model, enabling us to achieve robust regret bounds even when the baseline reward is highly complex. We demonstrate the superior performance of the RoME algorithm in a simulation and two off-policy evaluation studies.