Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track
Zhenyi Wang, Heng Huang
Continual learning (CL) aims to adapt to non-stationary data distributions while retaining previously acquired knowledge. However, CL models typically face a trade-off between preserving old task knowledge and excelling in new task performance. Existing approaches often sacrifice one for the other. To overcome this limitation, orthogonal to existing approaches, we propose a novel perspective that views the CL model ability in preserving old knowledge and performing well in new task as a matter of model sensitivity to parameter updates. \textit{Excessive} parameter sensitivity can lead to two drawbacks: (1) significant forgetting of previous knowledge; and (2) overfitting to new tasks. To reduce parameter sensitivity, we optimize the model's performance based on the parameter distribution, which achieves the worst-case CL performance within a distribution neighborhood. This innovative learning paradigm offers dual benefits: (1) reduced forgetting of old knowledge by mitigating drastic changes in model predictions under small parameter updates; and (2) enhanced new task performance by preventing overfitting to new tasks. Consequently, our method achieves superior ability in retaining old knowledge and achieving excellent new task performance simultaneously.Importantly, our approach is compatible with existing CL methodologies, allowing seamless integration while delivering significant improvements in effectiveness, efficiency, and versatility with both theoretical and empirical supports.