Computing the Bias of Constant-step Stochastic Approximation with Markovian Noise

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Sebastian Allmeier, Nicolas Gast


We study stochastic approximation algorithms with Markovian noise and constant step-size $\alpha$. We develop a method based on infinitesimal generator comparisons to study the bias of the algorithm, which is the expected difference between $\theta_n$ ---the value at iteration $n$--- and $\theta^*$ ---the unique equilibrium of the corresponding ODE. We show that, under some smoothness conditions, this bias is of order $O(\alpha)$. Furthermore, we show that the time-averaged bias is equal to $\alpha V + O(\alpha^2)$, where $V$ is a constant characterized by a Lyapunov equation, showing that $E[\bar{\theta}_n] \approx \theta^*+V\alpha + O(\alpha^2)$, where $\bar{\theta}_n$ is the Polyak-Ruppert average. We also show that $\bar{\theta}_n$ converges with high probability around $\theta^*+\alpha V$. We illustrate how to combine this with Richardson-Romberg extrapolation to derive an iterative scheme with a bias of order $O(\alpha^2)$.