A New Neural Kernel Regime: The Inductive Bias of Multi-Task Learning

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper


Julia Nakhleh, Joseph Shenouda, Robert Nowak


This paper studies the properties of solutions to multi-task shallow ReLU neural network learning problems, wherein the network is trained to fit a dataset with minimal sum of squared weights. Remarkably, the solutions learned for each individual task resemble those obtained by solving a kernel regression problem, revealing a novel connection between neural networks and kernel methods. It is known that single-task neural network learning problems are equivalent to a minimum norm interpolation problem in a non-Hilbertian Banach space, and that the solutions of such problems are generally non-unique. In contrast, we prove that the solutions to univariate-input, multi-task neural network interpolation problems are almost always unique, and coincide with the solution to a minimum-norm interpolation problem in a Sobolev (Reproducing Kernel) Hilbert Space. We also demonstrate a similar phenomenon in the multivariate-input case; specifically, we show that neural network learning problems with large numbers of tasks are approximately equivalent to an $\ell^2$ (Hilbert space) minimization problem over a fixed kernel determined by the optimal neurons.