On-Line Learning with Restricted Training Sets: Exact Solution as Benchmark for General Theories

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 11 (NIPS 1998)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


H. C. Rae, Peter Sollich, Anthony C. C. Coolen


O(ws(s log d+log(dqh/ s))) and O(ws((h/ s) log q) +log(dqh/ s)) are upper bounds for the VC-dimension of a set of neural networks of units with piecewise polynomial activation functions, where s is the depth of the network, h is the number of hidden units, w is the number of adjustable parameters, q is the maximum of the number of polynomial segments of the activation function, and d is the maximum degree of the polynomials; also n(wslog(dqh/s)) is a lower bound for the VC-dimension of such a network set, which are tight for the cases s = 8(h) and s is constant. For the special case q = 1, the VC-dimension is 8(ws log d).