Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 (NIPS 1999)
Panayiota Poirazi, Bartlett W. Mel
Previous biophysical modeling work showed that nonlinear interac(cid:173) tions among nearby synapses located on active dendritic trees can provide a large boost in the memory capacity of a cell (Mel, 1992a, 1992b). The aim of our present work is to quantify this boost by estimating the capacity of (1) a neuron model with passive den(cid:173) dritic integration where inputs are combined linearly across the entire cell followed by a single global threshold, and (2) an active dendrite model in which a threshold is applied separately to the output of each branch, and the branch subtotals are combined lin(cid:173) early. We focus here on the limiting case of binary-valued synaptic weights, and derive expressions which measure model capacity by estimating the number of distinct input-output functions available to both neuron types. We show that (1) the application of a fixed nonlinearity to each dendritic compartment substantially increases the model's flexibility, (2) for a neuron of realistic size, the capacity of the nonlinear cell can exceed that of the same-sized linear cell by more than an order of magnitude, and (3) the largest capacity boost occurs for cells with a relatively large number of dendritic subunits of relatively small size. We validated the analysis by empirically measuring memory capacity with randomized two-class classifica(cid:173) tion problems, where a stochastic delta rule was used to train both linear and nonlinear models. We found that large capacity boosts predicted for the nonlinear dendritic model were readily achieved in practice.
P. Poirazi and B. W. Mel