Periodic Component Analysis: An Eigenvalue Method for Representing Periodic Structure in Speech

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 13 (NIPS 2000)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Lawrence K. Saul, Jont B. Allen


An eigenvalue method is developed for analyzing periodic structure in speech. Signals are analyzed by a matrix diagonalization reminiscent of methods for principal component analysis (PCA) and independent com(cid:173) ponent analysis (ICA). Our method-called periodic component analysis (1l"CA)-uses constructive interference to enhance periodic components of the frequency spectrum and destructive interference to cancel noise. The front end emulates important aspects of auditory processing, such as cochlear filtering, nonlinear compression, and insensitivity to phase, with the aim of approaching the robustness of human listeners. The method avoids the inefficiencies of autocorrelation at the pitch period: it does not require long delay lines, and it correlates signals at a clock rate on the order of the actual pitch, as opposed to the original sampling rate. We derive its cost function and present some experimental results.