Efficient $\Phi$-Regret Minimization with Low-Degree Swap Deviations in Extensive-Form Games

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 37 (NeurIPS 2024) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Brian Zhang, Ioannis Anagnostides, Gabriele Farina, Tuomas Sandholm


Recent breakthrough results by Dagan, Daskalakis, Fishelson and Golowich [2023] and Peng and Rubinstein [2023] established an efficient algorithm attaining at most $\epsilon$ swap regret over extensive-form strategy spaces of dimension $N$ in $N^{\tilde O(1/\epsilon)}$ rounds. On the other extreme, Farina and Pipis [2023] developed an efficient algorithm for minimizing the weaker notion of linear-swap regret in $\mathsf{poly}(N)/\epsilon^2$ rounds. In this paper, we develop efficient parameterized algorithms for regimes between these two extremes. We introduce the set of $k$-mediator deviations, which generalize the untimed communication deviations recently introduced by Zhang, Farina and Sandholm [2024] to the case of having multiple mediators, and we develop algorithms for minimizing the regret with respect to this set of deviations in $N^{O(k)}/\epsilon^2$ rounds. Moreover, by relating $k$-mediator deviations to low-degree polynomials, we show that regret minimization against degree-$k$ polynomial swap deviations is achievable in $N^{O(kd)^3}/\epsilon^2$ rounds, where $d$ is the depth of the game, assuming a constant branching factor. For a fixed degree $k$, this is polynomial for Bayesian games and quasipolynomial more broadly when $d = \mathsf{polylog} N$---the usual balancedness assumption on the game tree. The first key ingredient in our approach is a relaxation of the usual notion of a fixed point required in the framework of Gordon, Greenwald and Marks [2008]. Namely, for a given deviation $\phi$, we show that it suffices to compute what we refer to as a fixed point in expectation; that is, a distribution $\pi$ such that $\mathbb{E}_{x \sim \pi} [\phi(x) - x] \approx 0$. Unlike the problem of computing an actual (approximate) fixed point $x \approx \phi(x)$, which we show is \PPAD-hard, there is a simple and efficient algorithm for finding a solution that satisfies our relaxed notion. As a byproduct, we provide, to our knowledge, the fastest algorithm for computing $\epsilon$-correlated equilibria in normal-form games in the medium-precision regime, obviating the need to solve a linear system in every round. Our second main contribution is a characterization of the set of low-degree deviations, made possible through a connection to low-depth decisions trees from Boolean analysis.